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Gross National Happiness Trainer

Gross National Happiness (GNH) is a movement with its roots in the Kingdom of Bhutan. It is an economic philosophy that puts the happiness of people and the planet as the goal of an economy. It does this through tools for measuring what matters, making policy decisions, and cultivating happiness and compassion skills. It can be customized for local and national governments, businesses, organizations, and schools. Even though Buddhist philosophy played a key role in the development of GNH,  the processes and tools are customized to fit the culture of the context where GNH is being adapted.


Some of the businesses and organizations that have adopted GNH principles and practices are Eileen Fisher, BGRIMM in Thailand, and Mount Alison University in Canada. 


Della became a GNH Practitioner through training from the Gross National Happiness Center in Bhutan. She then worked with a local government in the UK to adopt GNH measurement tools. Now she teaches on the GNH Practitioner programme through Schumacher College and can offer anything from workshops and talks to projects implementing GNH tools to various contexts.


E-mail Della at to find out more.

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